A good price for a nice shaped deck
I have been looking for a new deck for my LDP (Long Distance Pumping) setup for a while. And while I was browsing the longboard deck section of amazon I saw this Flying Wheels deck on discount.

At first I was surprised, about 35€ (~40$) for a 96,5cm (42″) deck is really a cheap price. But as I didn’t want to spend a lot and I loved the kicktail look and the long wheelbase I bought it. Afterward I realized that Flying Wheels is a french brand from the East Coast of France and was pretty happy to be able to buy local.
This deck is not listed on the Flying Wheels website but I think it comes from a former line of products. And that’s maybe why it was on discount.
According to the Amazon page the wheelbase is supposed to be 823mm but I measured 77,5mm between the inside mounting holes so I think they just only didn’t measure it like they are supposed to.
The shape is not really a LDP standard shape, these days most people use G-Bomb decks with forks or tail-less boards. But in fact, it is still close to one of the most famous LDP deck : the Walkabout, except it has a kicktail.