The first encounter with the Carver CX set
The first time I tried Carver Trucks was one day at the skatepark when a guy came

with a ‘Da Monsta’ board equipped with C7
trucks. I tried his board and had a lot of fun with it, I could make really sharp turns and it felt so smooth and surfy ! But when the guy told me he bough his complete board for about 320€ I though I would never be able to ride one.
Back home I made some research and browsed forums such as trying to find a cheaper alternative way to surf the concrete like an everlasting wave. I heard about the Vector Bennett truck (which I will review it soon) and about the Carver CX which is a little cheaper than the C7 but also was considered as more adapted for ‘pool’ ridding.
Finally I found a shop which sold the CX set for around 100€ and decided I would buy it as it looked like it was really some great trucks.